Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Kadang2 sampai satu tahap, kita sendiri tak tahu apa yg kita nak dalam hidup ni. Apa yang cukup, apa yang kurang. Adakah semua tindakan yang kita buat tu betul atau sebaliknya? Adakah selama kita hidup di dunia ni, kita dah buat perkara betul dan sepatutnya, atau kita hanya 'sampah' di mata Tuhan (tanpa kita sedari atau dengan kita sedari). Macam-macam persoalan akan timbul dan berbalik dalam kepala hotak.

Yang paling pelik, kita tau, kita hamba, tapi kita masih enggan ikut perintah. Apa yang kita cari dalam hidup ni sebenarnya? Keredhaan? Kebahagiaan? Kekayaan? Cinta?....

Bosannya cakap pasal cinta... The Beatles kata "Love is not easy game to play"

I give her(him) all my love
That's so I'll do
And live you so my love
you love her (him) too
I love her (him)
She (He) give me everything
and tenderly
The kiss my lover bring
She (He) brong to me
and i love her (him)
i love life
could never die
as long as i
have u near me
bringt all the star that shine
dark in the sky
i know the love of mine
will never die
and i love her (him)


Unknown said...

Hi Ju,

Thanx for stepping by in my blog. How are you?....you look 'pink' this year hehee....hmmm....

Actually i've been following your blog since the very beginning. Your theme are more to life....kind of personal related. Any comments on that...??? Well, my apology if I'm bothered you with that kind of question. Just ignore.

But what I'm trying to say, life is short. How short? Yesterday we're in 2008, today we're already in 2009. How's that. Being in the age of 30's, makes us to know more of what life means for us. Independent in life and financially as well. Regarding of soul mates, the alarm will trigger when the time is come. But the only things that matter, are we gonna be aware or just bare it as the times pass by.

Don't push your self, accept as it is and trust your instinct. There's never been wrong for being single.Of course people see, people talk. Who cares...!!! Just enjoy life to the fullest and treasure it instead. God really has a plan. You take care k....

KUSINAR said...

Hi Chris :)

Terima kasih jugak, sbb rajin masuk blog aku.
Bukan mcm tu Chris... of course, there is never been wrong for being single. Bukan itu yang aku fokuskan sangat.
Aku tak peduli pun aku 'sorang'. Kalaupun takdirnya aku akan 'sorang' sampai sampai bila2 pun, aku tak kisah. Itu semua kan kerja Tuhan :)

Tapi aku tetap appreciate setiap kata-kata kau :) sangat jujur dan memberi kesan...

Sejujurnya aku dah tak tau lagi, apa definisi CINTA yang sebenarnya, Chris. Betul. Bukan putus asa, tapi malas nak layan. Banyak lagi benda lain yang nak kene fikir...financial for example

Aku gembira dengan hidup aku. Bukan nak cakap besar, tapi aku yakin, dgn pertolongan Tuhan, aku mampu hidup, dan berjaya tanpa kehadiran seorang lelaki yang kononnya membawa cinta.

Cinta tu mahal sangat harganya, Chris... Macam berlian. Aku tak mampu beli, tapi nak jual tak laku...

KUSINAR said...

Ok la, lepas ni aku aku akan tukar topik penulisan aku. Rupanya, korang boring ya. Aku asyik citer pasal - cinta, frust, sepi, menangis dan yang sewaktu dgnnya.

Hehehe Insyaallah, kalau kepala hotak aku nih ada idea. Tak beku dan kaku macam dulu :)

Unknown said...

Dear Ju,

I'm so sorry if you been offended with any of my responses either in mine to your blog. Bottom line, I'm beyond far to have any negative intentions.

Again, it's beyond my right to stop you on what you wanna write, and planned to write. But, I'm looking on a different topic from an editor, yup that's you. There's nothing wrong on your writing, but I'm looking forward on a different topic like you did on Permatang Pauh parliamentary election. This because you're in the news division right. Advantage for you to add a postings like the current issues, and of course I want to refer to your blog on what happen around us. At the same time, don't stop writing for what you're writing like you did now. Selang-seli kan ;-)

Take it easy k. Hey, I do enjoy reading all your writings and the rest but most of them seems don't have any new postings yet. Don't make a comment like this stops you from writing. Do keep writing. Remember, I'm looking forward for your new topic's to come. Take care Ju...

KUSINAR said...

I do realize that actually. Put my intensity and knowledge in current inssues here. At first, I've stop writing hard issues is only becoz I thought no one is really want to read it. Because, only few reply. Then I know, I just lost the touch. I'll we be right back my freind. I sure I will... :)
Thanks anyway Chris, for being here and honest :)

Unknown said...

Yes, u r right. different opinion doesn't mean we're fighting. But we're 'fighting' for a good reason here, gaining knowledge for both you and me and of course for the sake of our friendship kan....I'm kind of like it, really!!!

....and trust me Ju, whenever I'm log in to my blog, I'll stop by every single of my friend's blog, especially you and Kak Juriah since the rest still in silent mode....no vibrates at all. That's why I'm looking forward for your next writing.....

Unknown said...

Oohh....reagarding the phrase, it's nothing personal actually dear Ju. It's only a general phrase. But in my first posting on "Palestine" for "think global, not national", I was meant to the US previous President and the coming President. Chill k, nothings about you. I could never hurt my friends with such a word. And like I said, I do really sorry if I does. Ku susun saplu jari, mohon saplu kemaafan....hehee...

Haffiz 696 said...

jumm..aku dah update blog.mmuahahahahhhahaahaha!!

Juriyati Mat Jalil said...

Jadilah kita hamba Allah yang sentiasa redha dengan segala ketentuan dariNya. Jangan lindungi sinar yang hampir untuk menyuluh wajah-wajah yang bakal memberikan kebahagiaan.
Teruskan memohon keredhaan Allah agar terhimpun satu jawapan yang pasti dari seribu persoalan yang selama ini mengganggu perasaan.