Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 - PART 1

Apa yang tertinggal dalam hidup kita sepanjang setahun yang lalu? Apa yang kita nak tapi tak dapat? Mesti banyak. Bukan sebab kita tak puas, tapi sebab kita tak sabar nak tau apa lagi yang mampu kita miliki dalam hidup ni. Meramal hidup masa depan, sesuatu yang sgt mustahil, tapi kenapa masih ramai yang suka mentafsir dan ingin tahu? Manusia....
"Selamat datang 2009. Baru sampai?". Aku tanya.
"Ya, terima kasih. Baru je sampai 4 hari yang lalu". 2009 cakap kat aku.
"Apa yang 2009 nak buat kat sini? Selama ni pegi mana?". Aku tanya lagi.
"Saya nak hidup bersama awak lah. Bersama awak utk setahun ni. Selama ni saya ada. Cuma tunggu turn je nak datang". Dia jawab balik.
"Tapi kenapa baru sekarang". Aku tak puas hati.
"Iyalah dulu 30 tahun yang lalu banyak tahun lain yang dah ambek turn. Dia tak bagi can kat saya pun. Itu yang baru datang sekarang " Ewah banyak cakap pulak 2009 ni. Aku ckp dalam hati.
"Sebenarnya apa tujuan awak datang sini?. Cakap lah terus terang". Aku gertak sikit 2009. Dia ni bukan leh caya sangat.
"Kalau awak tahu tujuan saya nak dtg, nanti awk tak kasi saya datang". Hek elleh, kerek pulak 2009. Aku tendang karang. Tapi aku ckp dlm hati je
"Cakap je lah. Saya tak marah pun. Cakap jek". Aku terus memujuk.
"Saya datang nak ingatkan, yang awak ni dah tua. Tak nak insaf-insaf lagi ke?" Adussss sakit batang hidungku. Hampesss tebu punya 2009.


Haffiz 696 said...

heheheheheehe.kerekk btl 2009 tuh yekk!!tp btol jgak.ko tuh kan dah makin tua.termasuk aku.termasuk mawi jugak.hehehe.amir ade anta kad kat aku.dia ade msg tu ari suh bg alamat umah.blh jgak kalu kite pg skali kan jumm??

Unknown said...

Blogger LOUIS said...

Chris, the fact is like this, Bush is actually being a slave to Israel aka Jews, not the other way around. Bush just doing his job as a puppet for Jews with certain terms and conditions of course. Both side have their own agendas which is fix each others

There are long long stories why the Jews need to invade Palestine and destroy them. Its all about 'dendam lama'.

As we know Jews is a most 'bangsa' which is feel that they are the best and greates among others 'bangsa'. This thing stated on Holy Quran and Bible as well. Yahudi ni the only bangsa yang sanggup bunuh Nabi dia sendiri. Sedangkan nyawa Nabi,dia boleh buat main, inikan pulak manusia lain. Dalam Bible pun tulis, bangsa Yahudi yang bunuh Jesus kan? Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

Bangsa terkutuk ni, diusir dan dibuang sejak beratus-ratus tahun dahulu lagi, sejak kewujudan tamadun manusia. Itu disebabkan oleh kesalahan dan kesilapan mereka sendiri.

So, setelah sekian lama, bila they all rasa dah cukup kuat, this is the right time to pay backlah ( kengkononnya)

Byk lagi kalau nak citer pasal bab ni. Tapi tak cukup ruang. The rest, Chris bole rujuk kat sumber lain :)

January 27, 2009 9:41 PM
Blogger CHRIS ALFEARRO said...

Well as far as I'm concern, neither Bush or Jews, the facts are gonna be the same. Been stated in the Quran and The Holy Bible, still the facts aren't going to change. We are talking about humanisme and that what should matters especially among the big world leader.

Let me ask a very simple and very basic several questions;

1. Why do you wanna be a President?

2. How do you make all country unite under the organizations called the 'United Nations'?

If your answer gonna be like, "to make a world peace", then you may step down and change your career instantly. Because the President's salary are paid by the government. The government's fund are from the rakyat. The President being elected only for one purpose, that is to make the country develop in peace and harmony. Well, it's totally easy to say this. But these phrase are usually being used during their campaign.

So, are the leader this day just "talk the talk and walk the walk"????

When it comes to humanitarian matters, are you gonna react based on the religion variables? Human might be differentiate based on the religions they're in, but human is always gonna be human being.

Loose the past, this is now, current, we are talking about. Just like the wise man says, "if you want to change, you gonna have to let go the past". Think global, not national....!

January 27, 2009 10:21 PM