Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Assalammualaikum ...

Actually, I'm very new to be so called "bloggers" world. It's never across into my mind to be a blogger. Until I attended a course on broadcast journalism. It may me think that I've lose a lot for not having my own "blog".

The main purpose is to share ideas with others and to avoid wrong judgement about others. In order to do that, I hoping that I will be able to know about other people, their values. This is include getting ideas about current issues, entertainment, umovies, human relations, feelings, love, sports, literature, politics, history and culture.

Besides, I think spreading ideas is the main process in knowing people's mind and thought. Getting information not limited only from books. Blogging is one way to know and learn about so many things.

Skills of thinking that Allah awarded, making us, (as a servant) being more 'humanly'. Especially in order to complete our duty and responsibility as a 'khalifah' on earth. Klise huh?

Differentiate us from creature that we call, 'a_, _,m,_,l ' (well, you know what I mean by that) Orang Melayu kata : 'Kalau malas nak pikir, jangan jadi orang, lagi baik. Ekekekeke'. Bertuah kita jadi MANUSIA aka INSAN. Isn't it?

Finally, for all my freinds, you could acces to my blog. Tthose who are new, welcome to my life!!. I will really appreciated all your sincere comments. Enjoy NTAHAPAHAPANTAH.

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